On March 10, 2010, I blogged a piece called, “Task Force Chairman Bob Cramer and TEAM GOLIATH.”  In that blog I quoted  an email written November 15, 2007 from Horace Sibley to Mayor Shirley Franklin.  Sibley’s stated subject was: Re: Bob Cramer’s meeting request.  Sibley warned the mayor that Cramer was not to be trusted.  He wrote, “We have found Cramer to be unreliable.”  He wrote further, “In effect, he insulted one of the best and most effective people in Atlanta with his attack on Debi.”  (The Board of Ethics can determine the accuracy of that statement.)

Two sentences later, Horace Sibley, Chair of the Mayor’s Committee to End Homelessness, wrote the following to the sitting mayor, “The Task Force was ranked dead last against all other applicants for HUD funding which is why they are not getting public funding.” 

Sibley for years has unflaggingly spewed his venom against the Peachtree Pine and the 750 Black men who live there.  His gentlest name for those citizens is the “chronically homeless.”  As the chair of the mayor’s “commission” to end homelessness, he has lunched and met and planned and cajoled and emailed (before he “busted” his computer) and connived and caucased and lobbied to remove Peachtree Pine from Peachtree Street.  He joins the “sanitized zone” bunch to cleanse the corridor of poor Black people.  Sibley will never pay for those sins, not in this life.

I believe he “got to” the already shaky Outreach Committee at St. Philip’s Cathedral (Episcopal) in order to stop the funding from that house of faith.  I believe he arranged the Tom Bell, Brad Curry, A. J. Robinson conclave at the billion dollar Chic-fil-a compound to stop funding from that house of faith.  I believe he helped Debi Starnes rig the Tri-J “ranking team” in order to stop the funding from that house of faith.  Sibley will never pay for those sins, not in this life.

But Horace Sibley very well may have stepped out of his little safety zone.  With exceeding  joy I quote again his death knell prose.  Remember, he was writing as chair of the mayor’s “commission” to the sitting mayor herself: “The Task Force was ranked dead last against all other applicants for HUD which is why they are not getting public funds.”  The Tri-J records show that THREE dummy projects (place holders) were inserted in the list in order to bump the Task Force out of the running.  Did Starnes, the ethical one, not think that this would be revealed?  Did Lawyer Horace Sibley not dream that by now scathing reports would surface condemning the bogus “commission” that he headed for seven or so years?  Did Richard Orr not realize that his favorite PROJECT would come into the light of day?  What Sibley knows about tortious interference with HUD dollars may jump up and bite his crusty derriere.  He can wallow with his Episcopal pals all he wants; however, when it’s fed dollars, step back.  Horace Sibley may pay for these sins in this life.  So very many will hide and watch.

In a fortnight or less, I will tell what I know.  Horace Sibley and Debi Starnes and Rufus Terrill and Peggy Denby and Bruce Gunter and Richard Orr and A. J. Robinson and Milton Little and Jack Hardin and Brad Curry and Al Blackwelder and Kwanza Hall and Renee Glover and Nancy Boxill and Protip Bizwax and Vince Smith and Tom Bell and many other conspirators will know Sibley’s fate.  Ethical Debi will know.

Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America.  He promised change.  HUD is an acronym for his Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Local HUD offices over the land are the same lame, tame, tired, weak members they have always been, a la Atlanta. However, President Obama’s Washington HUD is a brand new game.

I hear rumblings in the distance; I see ominous clouds gathering on the horizon; I feel rain in the air.  GOD’S BURNING RAIN.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 30, 2010

Note:  The Starnes and Richard Orr controlled Tri-J Continuum of Care has all along believed that they answer to Starnes and CAP and ADID and Jack Hardin and Sam Williams.  A rude awakening will show that the money they have fraudulently withheld from homeless Black men, disabled homeless men, elderly homeless men and homeless veterans is HUD dollars.  RUMBLINGS!!!  Whatch you gon do when dey come for you?

Is there a Cousins Properties connection to the TEAM GOLIATH Central Atlanta Progress/ADID conspiracy to seize the Peachtree Pine property?  The minutes of the Executive Committee of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. and Board of Directors of Capacity, Inc. may answer that question in the words of Tom Bell, a power in both those houses, Cousins and CAP. 

The minutes of the November 12, 2008, meeting in CAP”s offices read as follows under the heading: Peachtree-Pine Shelter update – “Robinson reported on several issues related to the financial viability of the Task Force for the Homeless and their possible default on more than $800,000 in loans from Mercy Housing.  TOM BELL SUGGESTED THAT IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE FOR THE LOANS TO BE PURCHASED FROM MERCY.  More information will be available in the future, as there are plans for internal staff movements at Mercy Housing that could be more favorable to the community’s efforts.”

Note:  The capital letters are mine.  These minutes were penned by Secretary Paul Kellman who turned prophet when he wrote, “More information will be available in the futire….”  Indeed, about 4000 pages of information subpoenaed from CAP, ADID and the third defendant, the City of Atlanta have come available.  Out of the mouths of babes….

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 29, 2010

The hiatus of the last fortnight in this blog is planned, calculated. Metaphors and similes and images and comparisons help the message cross over the river from sender to receiver.  The burning rain about to engulf the TEAM GOLIATH conspirators may be beyond words.  And the justice ahead for those who clutch five smooth stones may well be worth the wait.  Be patient, little ones.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 27, 2010

CBS TV Chanel 46 in Atlanta reported on 6 o’clock news tonight (April 14, 2010) that the City of Atlanta has $22,000,000 of uncollected water bills.  These include businesses and residences.  One business allegedly owes $1.7 million in delinquent water bills.  I think Debi Starnes should be paid another $90,000 by the City to team up with the AJC to publish articles about businesses and nonprofits who are delinquent? 

Starnes can tell you that it’s unethical not to pay your water bill.  Does the City owe itself for water?  Does Coca Cola have delinquent water bills?  Does champion of the poor Bruce Gunter’s Progressive Redevelopment. Inc. have unpaid water bills? 

Someone told me today that Exxon made $15 billion profit over the last year but did not pay any income tax to our government.  Did you pay 33% of all that you made?  I did!  I know that this is America and none of what I have written here could be happening.  I know that no mayor or dedicated leaders like Debi Starnes or Horace Sibley or Milton Little or Great News David Wardell or A. J. Robinson or Jack  “train wreck” Hardin or the caring heart Richard Orr would want 700 homeless people to be without water.  CAP recommends giving bottled water to the thirsty. And that’s nice. I know they would not steal the building.  I know they would not.  They would not.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 14, 2010

The daily number of readers of my blog astounds me these days.  I learned at my deposition in February that the City attorneys read me regularly.  They questioned me for 5 hours and asked me NOTHING outside the 95 blogs they brought.  Frankly, until about 90 days ago, most of my readers came from TEAM GOLIATH and those movers and shakers whom I named, “principalities and powers.”  That’s what Paul called them; Jesus called them “whited sepulchers, full of dead men’s bones.”  So mnay new readers are supportive, holding their breath, but supportive. 

I have before me the following depositions in the order that Baker Donelson Attorney Steve Hall took them:  Starnes, Jocylyn Ross, Julie Boyd, Horace Sibley, Richard Orr and A. J. Robinson.  Ross and Boyd were deposed on the same day and told the truth.  One of these women very willingly testified that no other agency in Atlanta “comes close” to the Task Force in serving Atlanta’a homeless population.  Both Ross and Boyd work in the City’s Grants Management Office.

In addition to the GOLIATH depositions, I hold thousands of pages of emails and other documents from the City, CAP and ADID.  I would estimate that  3000 plus pages are in the City’s stack of single pages. CAP and ADID’s pages at this point number I would guess around 1000.  All were obtained through court ordered subpoenas.  It has to be noted that at the February 23, A. J. Robinson deposition, nearly seven months of CAP emails were withheld by Troutman Sanders Attorney, Steve Riddell, representing Robinson.

Baker Donelson Attorney Steve Hall made this discovery of missing discovery late into the deposition and stated that both Orr and Robinson would have to come back again.  Debi Starnes faces a second day of grilling also.

How long can she last?  What in Hades can Mayor Reed do with that baggage?  Is the bus not running and ready to run over that tired load?  Are the “principalities and powers” as loyal to an underling as the City Council cabal is to its own?  Is Starnes really one of those movers and shakers or just another of their smudged pawns?  If she believes she is one of them, she might want to look again.  I think she’s standing there with nothing but her socks on. 

I mentioned the thousands of pages because I want you to feel my frustration.  It’s like walking through excrement.  These conspirators have dumped truck loads.  Bear with me because I don’t know what to scoop and my shovel is small. 

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 12, 2010

On a chilly December afternoon in 2008,  A. J. Robinson’s computer sizzled.  On Monday, December 8, 2008, at 1:08 pm, he emailed the following to Richard Orr, “Also, Debi was supposed to get me names of Anita’s lawyers….”

Note:  Who did Debi work for in December 2008?  Is A. J. Robinson saying that Anita is sueing the City?  Did Robinson know that early that CAP and ADID would be named in the lawsuit along with the City of Atlanta?

Robinson’s email was sent at 1:08 pm to Orr and Richard Orr responded at 1:25 with the following information:  “Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, representing attorneys: Robert Brazier and Steven Hall.” 

One minute later at 1:26 pm A. J. shot back to Orr, “And big clients?”

Orr was back to A. J. at 1;49 pm, 23 minutes later with the following information:

“Linda A Klein and Michael J. Powell are Managing Shareholders

Fairly large firm with offices in:

Atlanta, Georgia;  Jackson, Mississippi;  Memphis, Tennessee;  Baton Rouge, Louisiana;  Knoxville, Tennessee;  Nashville, Tennessee;  Beijing, China;  London, United Kingdom;  New Orleans, Louisiana;  Birmingham, Alabama;  Macon, Georgia;  Oxford, Mississippi;  Chattanooga, Tennessee;  Mandeville, Louisiana;  Tri-Cities Tennessee/Virginia;  Huntsville, Tennessee;  Memphis (East), Tennessee;  Washington, D.C.

No client list but a very broad spectrum of practice, especially litigation, including pro bono, see following from their web site:

Atlanta, Georgia:

Attorneys in the Atlanta office are active in the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation Saturday Morning Lawyers Project and provide pro bono representation to the poor in such matters as landlord-tenant disputes, domestic cases and other litigation matters”

A. J. Robinson worked late that cold December 8, 2008.  At 7:51 pm he emailed Sam Williams at The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce:  “See below.  BakerDonelson are on wrong side of City, business community, United Way and govt entities providing homeless resources in Atlanta area.  It is rumored they are preparing to sue the City on behalf of Anita Beatty [sic] and her dysfunctional homeless operation.  This would be a terrible mistake and will haunt them for years in Atlanta.”

Note:  Since that cold December night when A. J. cried out to his “good ole boy” buddy at The Chamber, The City of Atlanta, Central Atlanta Progress (CAP) and the Siamese sister, Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID) find themselves up to here in a serious lawsuit in Federal Court.  Not even in Debi Starnes’ wildest imagination could she have seen Robinson and Orr in all-day depositions on February 22 and 23 of 2010.  But it happened.  Under oath in front of the very law firm that Williams and Robinson “will haunt…for years in Atlanta.”  As Debi comes to mind, who would have dreamed that her law breaking acts would have ever come to light?  Everyone knew it.  Just more of “a pothole posse” City Hall. 

Lawsuits and ethics investigations could never thwart the civil wrongs of TEAM GOLIATH.  However, well ahead GOD’S BURNING RAIN may very well get their attention.  Robinson wrote, “This would be a terrible mistake.”  The monolithic mistake may have been made years ago when he and his cronies formed the conspiracy to disappear African-American men from being housed in downtown Atlanta.  Yes they did, ADID! 

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 12, 2010

Is Starnes still the new Mayor’s Advisor on Homelessness?  Is she employed by the City?  Do Jack ‘train wreck” Hardin and Milton “$500,000” Little still write Starnes’ checks from the bowels the United Way?  Will Horace Sibley and Bruce Gunter and Jack Hardin stand with her when she faces charges of ethical violations?  How will those three examples of strong character assess her seven counts of ethics violations?  Does United Way still launder money from ADID and CAP?  Has Horace found his “busted” computer?  Has Gunter paid Progressive Development’s water bill? 

 Are members of CAP asking questions about the boundaries of President A. J. Robinson and Senior Projects Director Richard Orr?  Have they spent too much time dismantling the measley Task Force?  Has the momentum of the lawsuit against the City captured the attention of the  heartless “principalities and powers”?  Is there one Atlanta City Council member willing to let justice run its course in the sorry Starnes’ sage? Are TEAM GOLIATH members a tad uneasy?  Has their great leader, the Czar, been thrown under the bus?

I’ve said repeatedly that nothing will come of any “city” investigation of Debi Starnes; those club members protect their own.  As night follows the day, she is one of them.  That won’t change.  However, the following paragraph quoted from Atlanta Progressive News, “…Shelter Sabatage Part 2,” may raise an eyebrow or two.  Outside City Hall’s protection, Starnes may be standing there with nothing but her socks on.  Could justice prevail?  Read Matthew Cardinale’s paragraph”  (March 25, 2010).

“Central Atlanta Progress is on record as not being impartial in the task to end homelessness in this City.  They have a rigid position and that position is different from a lot of people who think homeless folks need to be treated more kindly.  So in essence, CAP has a biased position towards homelessness.  And she being the Homeless Czar for the City of Atlanta, Starnes does not need to accept any money from CAP.  And how United Way gets in the picture needs to be investigated,” said a senior advocate, Ben Howard. 

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April, 10, 2020

At Atlanta’s prestigeous Commerce Club on Thursday night, April 8, 2010,  Attorney Horace Sibley was given The Public Service Award for 2009, having served as chair of  THE UNITED WAY’S  REGIONAL COMMISSION ON HOMELESSNESS.*  This high award is given by the Georgia State University College of Law.  Sibley has ended homelessness as he defines it. 

The only “chronically” homeless people left in Atlanta, according to Sibley and his “Regional Commission*” are the 750 men “warehoused” at the “poorly operated” Peachtree Pine shelter, the Atlanta Task Force’s blight at 475 Peachtree Street.  Sibley was deposed by Baker Donelson attorneys on January 13, 2010 where he said under oath that the “chronically” homeless men at Peachtree Pine could all be housed by United Way in one day if his bunch could just get their hands on them.  Milton ($500,000) Little, President of United Way, wrote the same thing in a letter to Bob Cramer, Task Force Chair.  

Sibley and Starnes moan and bitch that Task Force members of the staff vehemently refuse to provide them the daily sign-in sheets of the residents.  This twin team of experts wants names and social security numbers so that they can jail any who have outstanding warrants. Anything to close the Pine and anything to get “those people” out of hallowed downtown!!  Perhaps Attorney Sibley and Czar Starnes don’t know that the Task Force would be breaking a law if that information were furnished to them or to anyone else. 

Whlie Sibley was being AWARDED at the Commerce Club for a job well done for the homeless for the last 8 years, Debi Mae Starnes was being REWARDED for all she has done for more years than we want to know.  She has done so much that the City of Atlanta’s Board of Ethics is investigating 7 counts of possible conflicts of interest. 

Her $100,000 salary is paid by Jack “train wreck” Hardin at United Way.  Wait a minute.  The check is written by United Way.  Wait another minute!  Ninety-thousand ($90,000) comes from ADID (Atlanta Downtown Improvement Development), the in-house leach attached to CAP.  Just a minute!  Hold everything!  Is that correct?   Yes, that is right; the ninety grand comes from ADID and is laundered to and through CAP who gets the $90,000 over to Jack Hardin, the Chairman of the United Way Board.  Then Starnes is paid by UW.  It’s no wonder that “Debi Does Atlanta” can’t  remember which downtown hotel or hotels pay the remaining $10,000. 

I don’t see any problem other than money laundering and racketeering.  The fact that Debi’s Tri-Jurisdictional Continuum of Care rigs and manipulates applications shouldn’t bother a board of ethics, surely not one associated with this city hall.  After she decides who gets and does not get funding, her consulting business, EMSTAR, is paid by some of those she has approved for funding.  Oh, yes.  United Way pays EMSTAR a consulting fee.  How could that be wrong?  The Mayor and City Council have known about these shady shenanigans for years.  Don’t forget we are in Bill Campbell’s ATLANTA.  

 Explaining the name EMSTAR, “Debi Does Atlanta” said in her deposition, “I’m the STAR.”  And she is the STAR without question!!  Being paid with United Way checks and working for the Mayor and A. J. Robinson at CAP should not upset any Atlanta “ethics” body.  I read just last night in one of the 500 emails confiscated from our business nerve downtown that” Debi was supposed to have gotten to me (A. J. Robinson) the names of Anita’s lawyers and their clients.” 

That email was sent by A. J. “we’re all kind of mystified” Robinson to Richard “We’re in” Orr.  “We’re in” said he would get right on it.  He did.  The long list of cities where Baker Donelson has law firms was confiscated with all other discovery.  Did A. J. “We’re all kind of mystified” Robinson not know that the “Baker” of Baker Donelson is Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee?  When A. J. called Sam Williams at The Chamber Pot, Robinson complained bitterly that Baker Donelson was on the wrong side of this lawsuit, against The City and against business interests and against I don’t know what all.  We need to get to their clients. 

I won’t bore you with any of the other accusations leveled against the STAR since they could not possibly matter.  Little Miss Debi is one of the safe ones.  Like Richard Orr, “She’s in.”  Remember Captain Bingham.  Clubs do not club their own.

*  I try to remember to (*) The United Way Regional Commission on Homelessness.*  Starnes and Sibley throughout their depositions used this name.  A. J. used it a time or two.  I don’t know if Orr knows it.  An organization of this appellation has never existed.  Each time that they use it is really more than inaccurate; it’s untrue and deliberately misleading.  I have stated before that Starnes and Sibley went to their cronies in the Georgia Legislature hoping the Legislature would make this monster an authority.  With the help of people like Nan Orrock, the idiot proposal passed the legislature, probably unanimously.  But the Governor vetoed the bill saying that homelessness is a City of Atlanta problem, not a regional problem.  The Governor knows Authorities get State funding. 

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
April 9, 2010 


The following  release marks a NEW HUD and a NEW DAY busting fair housing violators.  The conspirators and discriminators of Austin, Texas, have more recently felt the “burning rain.”  This HUD is going after and uncovering counties and cities who have falsely certified that they are aggressively identifying impediments to fair housing and are eliminating those impediments, rather than causing them.

August 10, 2009

Agreement seen as a national model for inclusive, diverse and sustainable communities
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Justice today announced a historic civil rights settlement with Westchester County, New York. The landmark agreement will result in the construction of 750 units of affordable housing in neighborhoods with small minority populations; will remove existing impediments to fair and affordable housing; and will require the County to take active steps to ensure its housing and development practices are fair to families without regard to their race or ethnicity.

“This is about expanding the geography of opportunity for families who may have been limited in their housing choices. The agreement we announce today demonstrates Westchester County’s commitment to make sure its neighborhoods are open to everyone, regardless of the color of their skin,” said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “This agreement signals a new commitment by HUD to ensure that housing opportunities be available to all, and not just to some.”

Westchester County receives a yearly Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation from HUD and, as a condition of receiving this block grant funding, agrees to “affirmatively further fair housing.” From 2000 to 2008, the County certified that it had complied with this requirement. The Anti-Discrimination Center of Metro New York (ADC) disputed this certification and filed a complaint under The False Claims Act. A federal court ruled that Westchester County failed its legal obligation to explicitly analyze “the existence and impact of race discrimination on housing opportunities and choice in its jurisdiction.”

As a result, HUD and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York helped to broker today’s agreement whereby Westchester County agreed to make a $51.6 million investment in affordable housing over the next seven years in areas of the County where it has historically not provided affordable housing. The settlement also provides for payment of $7.5 million to ADC.

“This landmark agreement significantly advances the cause of promoting residential integration, the cause that led us to initiate this litigation more than three years ago,” said Craig Gurian, Executive Director of the Anti-Discrimination Center of Metro New York. “It signals a new day for Westchester County, and I applaud HUD and the Department of Justice for joining with ADC to begin to make real the long-neglected promise that we can become one community, with no exclusion.”

“The resolution of this case is a positive step toward creating new housing opportunities and advancing integrated residential patterns in Westchester County,” said Ron Sims, HUD Deputy Secretary and former Executive of King County, Washington. “This settlement reflects an approach to equitable development in suburban areas that can serve as a model for building inclusive, diverse and sustainable communities across the country.”

Westchester County will also undertake and fund targeted marketing, public education and other outreach efforts to promote fair and affordable housing in areas that have historically not provided such opportunities. Finally, the County’s compliance with the agreement will be overseen by a court-appointed monitor who will have the authority to recommend additional actions. The monitor will be James E. Johnson, a member of the law firm Debevoise and Plimpton. The agreement announced today must still be approved by Westchester County’s Board of Legislators.


In my April 6, 2010,  blog entitled, “Starnes Received Letter from “Ethics” Office,” I predicted that the Ethics Board investigation of Debi Starnes will amount to nothing.  I wrote, “Clubs don’t club their members.”  Starnes is a member of of the Atlanta City Hall Club, and she will not be touched; that’s my prediction.

In order to underscore my point, I cited the murdering midget of a man, Captain Richard Bingham, one of Queen Elizabeth’s butchers planted in Ireland.  Because of his atrocities perpetrated against men, women and children across the land, Bingham was tried in an ENGLISH court in Dublin.  Best-selling historical novelist, Robin Maxwell, writes of him in THE WILD IRISH, “Bingham was acquitted by the court in Dublin and sent out with new determination and a large army to quell the “Great Connaught Uprising.”

Through her “google alert” Robin Maxwell found my blog and emailed me on April 7, 2010:

Dear Dr. Beaty,

My “google alert” alerted me of your mention of Captain Richard Bingham not being “clubbed” by his Eliabethan club, in my historical novel, THE WILD IRISH, and in fact being allowed to return to Ireland and get away with more murder and mayhem that he’d already perpetrated.  I’m sorry to hear that the same “cronyism” is happening in Atlanta, and that the victims are homeless people.  Sadly, some things never change.


Robin Maxwell

Note:  Robin Maxwell in addition to THE WILD  IRISH has published THE SECRET DIARY OF ANNE BOLEYN, THE QUEEN’S BASTARD and VIRGIN: PRELUDE TO THE THRONE.  Give yourself a treat, go buy and read this exceptional writer.

She introduced Captain Richard Bingham to me; I introduced Czar Debi Starnes to her.