If you are trapped in your house unable to leave for five full days, do not blame the City of Atlanta’s crack Department of Public Works. With my own ears I heard a city official, one near the top, talk of the upcoming January 9 and 10 winter storm. I believe it was reported on the TV station whose moto is, “When news breaks out, we break out.” Anyway it was reported on one of our media giants that the City’s Dept. of Public Works had thirty (30) pieces of equipment. All thirty “pieces” were ready to fight the storm.

My research team handed me a list of that equipment, readied for the snow to be followed by the ice. Among those 30 pieces of shame are: two snow plows, five snow shovels, three rakes, ten push brooms, three boxes of sea salt, five plungers and four sledge hammers.

That official answered when asked about the need for sledge hammers said that they were donated by Central Atlanta Progress and Atlanta Downtown Improvement District in case the Ambassadors came across any homeless people huddled in the snow.

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
January 14, 2011

A reader, Fred, Fstall@gmail.com, writes, “Last I heard, Manny and the gang only want you and Anita out of there, not the homeless. So to answer your question, they would have slept in the same place.”

Fstall@gmail@gmail.com writes in response to my blog that asks where in the world would 600 people be if the Community at Peachtree-Pine were not there. Fred, if that is the name, says that “Manny and the gang only want you and Anita out of there, not the homeless.” I have read hundreds of poorly written papers over the years in my English classes where the writers get mixed up trying to use the adverb, “ONLY.” This “Manny” supporter misplaces his “only.” What he has written says that Manny and his gang want only one thing in the whole wide world. On the contrary they want many things. They want property on Peachtree Street. They want all poor Black males far away from Peachtree Street and sacred downtown. They want to disappear poor people from downtown Atlanta. The list of their wants is endless. The sentence could be helped by mo the “only” after the “want” rather than before it.

But the sorry syntax is the least of this writer’s difficulties. With a scintilla of honesty, this person would admit that his “gang” has worked diligently, methodically and unflaggingly for years to disappear Black poor males from downtown Atlanta. Any promise that The Pine would ever be a long-term haven for homeless people is a blatant lie, conceived and born out of the plantation mentality of downtown.

Putting all the above aside, Baker Donelson attorneys hold pages, ten thousand pages, of documents that prove that the disappearing of homeless Black people from downtown has been a constant goal of Central Atlanta Progress and those they own.

Any talk of the problem on Peachtree Street that focuses on two elderly, feeble relics is a ploy to avoid the 600 Black males that live there tonight. The last time this responder “heard” something was not the last thing he will hear in a lawsuit naming Manny and his gang as RICO racketeers. Listen closely TEAM GOLIATH and all the little teamlets. Listen for a rustling of ten thousand pages that hum tortious interference; they hum collusion; they hum racketeering; they hum the violation of the civil rights of seven protected classes of citizens who live at The Pine, they hum a federal law suit against the City of Atlanta; they hum a Washington HUD investigation of 14 years of questionable activities with federal government money; they hum of the coming of rain, God’s burning rain.

If the last that anyone heard was that Manny Fialkow was going to help the community at The Pine, that listener needs to check his hearing in order that he might hear the rustling of ten thousand pages.

Last night (January 13, 2011, temperature 12 degrees) 668 men and 20 women slept in the warm protection of the Community at Peachtree-Pine. Are we to thank Manny Fialkow for his hospitality?

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16

The Pine in the Snow

January 10, 2011

Six hundred people were inside The Pine, the Community at the corner of Peachtree and Pine Streets last night. I have one question for TEAM GOLIATH. Where would those 600 citizens of Atlanta have slept in last night’s snow storm in Atlanta? Ask United Way! Ask Central Atlanta Progress! Ask Atlanta Downtown Improvement District! Ask Atlanta Regional Commission? Ask Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU – M! Ask Atlanta Police Precinct 5! Ask The Chamber! Ask the model Gateway Shelter? Ask City Hall? Ask the Mayor? Ask Fulton County Council? Ask Uplift Atlanta! Ask Air Lift Atlanta! Ask Emory Health Care, Inc.! Ask Ichthus! Ask Ithcus (that is NPU – M’s spelling of the New Testament word. God bless the benighted! Ask Cousins Properties, Inc.! Ask Homeless Czar Debi Starnes!

This are real and pertinent questions. Where would thses citizens be? Where would they go? I can tell you where some of theme would go. Some would go to the front porches of NPU – M. A few visitors from The Pine and Peggy Denby’s LYNCH MOB would be begging for The Pine to take them back.

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
January 10, 2010

Franklin Deposition Set

January 5, 2011

Shirley Franklin’s Date To Be Deposed Is Confirmed

Former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin will be deposed by Baker Donelson attorneys on January 21, 2011. The confirmation came from Franklin’s lawyer, Ruth Wooding. This January 21st deposition marks the tenth time that a member of TEAM GOLIATH has lifted the right hand swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
January 5, 2011

I posted “Without a sword in his hand.” late Tuesday night, January 4, 2011. Within hours a NY reader sent me the following comment:

“Amen! This is amazing. Yes, I live next to Westchester County in New York and everyone there knew that a lot of things were done there to discourage Black people from living there, but the HUD lawsuit was a great light. Also, Yonkers, New York, busted too. Go Team David of Atlanta!”

There is a ground swell among Atlantans and Americans who long for just a whiff of JUSTICE. Unfortunately, those that possess that longing are not in places of leadership in Atlanta.

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
January 5, 2011

I’m asked frequently in some form or another one or more of the following questions. People from all walks of life in the Atlanta area ask in the light of three lawsuits against conspirators and one Fair Housing Complaint against the City of Atlanta. Some of the questions are these: Is there justice anywhere? Do people who destroy other people experience destruction themselves? Do the weak ever prevail over the strong? Do the oppressed ever win against the oppressors? Do the weak ever prevail against the strong? Does the slave ever throttle the Plantation owner? Does the thief ever return what was stolen? Does a loser ever win?
Two years ago I would have answered each of these questions with an emphatic “No!”

But two years ago I did not know what I know today. I had never heard of “tortious interference.” I had never heard of “collusion.” I didn’t know that white-collar suits go to jail for racketeering.
I didn’t know that a prominent D. C. law firm could force Atlanta HUD (City Hall West) to investigate the City of Atlanta for violating the civil rights of people that the federal government have labeled as “Seven Protected Classes.”

I didn’t know that the City of Atlanta for 14 years has spent Washington HUD dollars in CDBG funds while ignoring the False Claims Act. That is simply signing that you received the millions without ever showing how and why the money was spent. I do know that the City of Atlanta has stolen from me every month of 2010 in “water bills,” but I did not dream that the same swindlers would ever have to answer regarding HUD millions spent over 14 years.

I didn’t know that West Chester County, New York, this day, January 4, 2011, is building $62,000,000 of mixed housing that it signed for but didn’t do. That is the same kind of housing that Sister Jane Gerety and the Sisters at Mercy Housing, Inc. were talking of doing at The Pine before Debi Starne and Renee Glover and A. J. Robinson got wind of it and illegally interfered. They interfered so well that Sister Jane said the city and business community will always owe us. Horace Sibley told the Nuns if they cooperated that could pass the hat immediately.

I didn’t know that Atlanta United Way would have to cough up 6000 pages of documents to Baker Donelson attorneys in response to a subpoena. I didn’t know that Protip Biswas and Milton Little, $500,000 a year, Milton Little, would be deposed early in 2011. I didn’t know that Horace Sibley would be coming back for a second questioning by Attorney Steve Hall. Several sworn depositions since Sibley’s five hours “under oath” have made his answers extremely interesting.

I didn’t know Mayor Shirley Franklin would be deposed early in 2011 along with her letter signer, Mr. Greg Pridgeon. He wrote the form letter, probably dictated by Debi Starnes, three years in a row telling the Task Force that their funding would be zero.

I didn’t know that the Tri-Jurisdictional Continuum of Care could fraudulently disqualify the Task Force’s funding. The Tri-J is a three-headed monster that rivals Cerberus’ three throats for attractiveness and warmth. I did not know that the questionable Tri-J would be turning over documents, having been subpoenaed by Baker Donelson attorneys. But the caring continuum has to cough up nevertheless.
I didn’t know that well wishers and volunteers by the scores would come into the light of day saying things such as perhaps justice will prevail over this morass of sleeze and corruption.

I didn’t know that people in high places and the high places themselves would feel extremely uncomfortable. Some quite frankly are scared to death. I didn’t dream a favorite drink at City Hall is the cup of trembling. And we are not in front of a jury yet. How could a rag tag gang of unattractive advocates who can’t get a favorable word in the AJC get a hearing in a court of law? I didn’t know it could happen in Atlanta. I do wonder when this conspirata goes before a jury of its peers if the AJC will give it space on the back page.

I didn’t know I would hear a Judge in the Superior Court of Fulton County say that what he was hearing sounded like “tortuous interference” and “collusion.” And a few sentences later that Judge said to an attorney that his client’s behavior did not smell good.

I did not know that Debi Starnes in 2011 would no longer be paid by ADID through the Atlanta United Way books. I did not know that 38-year City of Atlanta veteran Bonnie Ware would be employed by developer Manny Fialkow. I did not know that Chris Allers formerly at United Way would be employed by developer Manny Fialkow.

I did not know that Pete Walker, former employee of the nun-run Mercy Housing, Inc. would no longer work there. I did not know that Pete Walker will face Steve Hall in a lengthy deposition in early 2011. I did not know that leaders of the community would perjure themselves just to disappear Black males from Peachtree Street.

I did not know that the plantation mentality of Central Atlanta Progress and ADID had never been questioned or challenged. I understand from local old timers that the heroes of the Hurt Building have never been subpoenaed in their 40 year history of racism. No wonder A. J. Robinson admitted under oath that Baker Donelson was on the wrong side of this lawsuit and will regret having taken the case. I wonder if when Robinson called Sam Williams at the Chamber if Robinson knew that he was facing Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee. Baker made famous in the Watergate hearings his statement printed around the world, “What did the President know and when did he know it?” What sweet irony! Imagine Robinson and Orr and Sibley and Czarina and Rob Hunter having to answer Steve Hall’s question, “And Mr. Cobra, what did you know and when did you know it?”

I didn’t know that Debi Starnes’ only scepter is a broomstick. I did know she was headed for a spot beside Rob Hunter under the bus. I didn’t know TEAM GOLIATH worked so fast. They disappeared Debi faster than they disappeared The Pine.

Knowing what I know now, as opposed to two years ago, I would qualify my emphatic “No!” to a weak “Perhaps, sometimes.” Then again, when I look into that snakepit I’ve named TEAM GOLIATH and into Little David’s bag containing five smooth stones, my limp faith strengthens a bit. Is there justice anywhere? Can a loser ever win? I say, not yes, but “HELL, YES!”

I Samuel 17:45-50
David said to Goliath, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.

I Samuel 17: 47b is one of the most powerful statements in all literature, especially if the reader has tasted the wormwood and gall of a TEAM GOLIATH. Be comforted by those words: “For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” My term TEAM GOLIATH shines as we read “all of you.” CONSPIRATA O CONSPIRATA! Woe is you when the stars begin to fall!

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
January 4, 2010