Local TV and the ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION spoke recently of an e-mail, possibly e-mails, from Sam Williams, the main person at The Atlanta Chamber Of Commerce, to the top person running Atlanta’s public schools. I thought that I’m so glad that The Chamber wants to support in the education of our children. In my usual naivete, I said it’s consoling to see the Chamber wanting to help our schools.

When I said those words I was with two gentlemen who keep up with schools and things. I don’t. My friend when he stopped laughing tried to enlighten me that Sam Williams’ communication had nothing to do with the well-being of our lame educational system. I said okay. Then I asked what was Sam doing. My friend said that he was not sure but Williams’ e-mail was giving directions to the superintendent concerning the Chamber’s business interests.

I have copies of e-mails between Sam Williams, former president of CAP and current CAP president, A. J. Robinson. Their communication began with Robinson’s asking Williams to find out what he could about the Baker Donelson Law Firm, how big, how many offices, Atlanta clients, etc.

A. J. Robinson under oath in his deposition in February said that he told Williams that this Baker Donelson firm was on the wrong side of the case of the Task Force v. The City of Atlanta. A. J. Robinson knows the Baker Donelson firm now. In that deposition he appeared to know more about Baker Donelson than he wished to know.

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
August 24, 2010

I have seven children, all of whom I adore. One of my five sons has requested more of Uncle Ernest. Ernest’s older brother, James Davis Beaty, in October, 1970, published a 52 page mini-history of the Beaty clan that he called, A LITTLE GENEALOGY. In it he wrote of his parents and siblings and grandparents and friends and neighbors.

I tell my students that if they become famous novelists, the writings that they will cherish most will be those written about and for those that they love. I honor the memory of James Davis Beaty and the gift of his GENEALOGY. The following is quoted from page 48 of Uncle Jay’s little book remembering Ernest Beaty.

“Ernest graduated from Davidson in N. C. in the days when Davidson was very careful of the spiritual welfare of the students and every boy was required to attend service in the chapel each morning. If he missed more than a specific number of times, he was taken before the faculty. When Ernest entered the school he was very meticulous about attending chapel but he got tired of the routine and especially having to get up and out so early on winter mornings. After Christmas he decided he was going to quit going to chapel, so of course it was not long until he was called up before the faculty.

Now Ernest had only one hand, having been born with just a round nub at his left wrist. He was very adroit in keeping his deformity sealed and many people who knew him casually never suspected it.

When the faculty board asked what he had to say for himself about missing services, he got up and purposely let his deformed hand be visible – in fact, he made a few gestures with it. He asked the board if any of them had ever tried to tie a shoe with one hand, or tie a neck tie with one hand, or button a shirt with one hand and he reminded them that it just took him longer to dress than it did others, and since he would get to chapel late and did not want to disturb the exercises, he didn’t go in at all.

Ernest said it looked like the whole group was about to cry over his misfortune and how he was being punished because of his handicap. He thought he had won the case, but just then Dr. Sintell, who kept the chapel attendance records, said, ‘Mr. Beaty, how do you explain your being able to get to chapel without missing a single time from September to Christmas, but since Christmas you’ve missed more than you’ve attended. Did you not have this deformity until after Christmas?’

Ernest got back on his feet and said, ‘Gentlemen, I have been very careless in the preparation of my argument.’ As he sat down again, the whole group broke out in laughter. Ernest got off the hook that time and was dealt with gently. He said that after that he regularly honored the Lord with his presence at chapel.”

National Public Radio on August 13, 2010 reported the following paragraph,

“An estimated 30,000 individuals stood outside in sweltering heat earlier this week at the East Point Housing Authority, just outside Atlanta, to be placed on a waiting list for housing assistance. Local authorities were unprepared for the large crowd, which eventually grew impatient and resulted in a number of individuals needing medical attention. Journalist Corey Dade and Harvey Newman, a professor of Public Management and Policy at Georgia State University, talk about the dire housing shortage that left so many people desperate to get assistance.”

Michel Martin, the reporter on NP Radio noted that the scene in East Point brought to mind what we see these days after a natural disaster. I suggest what Martin saw in East Point is what follows an UNNATURAL disaster: national and local housing policies in the United States since the 1980’s. Democrats and Republicans have agreed on one thing: the government must get out of the housing business because poor Americans have no right to housing. I recall a Christian layman in a church where I once worshipped got in my face with his red face saying, “There is no such thing as a right to housing. You must work for a place to live. What are you, a Communist?”

Later I was able to point out to that Christian gentle that the largest “subsidy” in our nation’s budget is “the mortgage interest deduction” given to home owners. Renters don’t get it. People in shelters don’t get. Home owners get it. If I make a mortgage payment for where I live, I live in subsidized housing. That term did not sit well with my church friend who told me he worked for what he had. He wants poor people to get stable, independent before they join him in subsidized housing.

His logic reminds me of another churchman’s reasoning that holds that bailing out Chrysler and Harley-Davidson is solid fiscal responsibility. That will help the economy. He holds, on the contrary, that assisting a homeless mother with children is godless socialism. That will only help that irresponsible person to be more irresponsible. Besides she and her kids are a drain on the economy. He would assist the Czar in some tube tying.

Please remember that the Atlanta Task Force three years ago was in conversation with Mercy Housing Inc. considering additional mixed housing atop Peachtree-Pine. Officials at Mercy were talking of folding in an additional loan that would build housing and pay off the Task Force notes. CAP and Debi Starnes got wiind of this talk and intervened with collusion and tortious interference. Imagine a city that wanted to have mixed housing. Imagine a Housing Authority that would help, not hinder, safe, sanitary housing on Peachtree Street.

No way. One of my favorite of the hundreds of e-mails by Debi Starnes went to Renee Glover stating that Starnes and company had to have City Council and Atlanta Housing Authority support in order to stop any housing at Peachtree-Pine. That e-mail in discovery has Glover’s promise to help Starnes.

I feel for the 30,000 who stood for hours. God help them. Neither Debi Starnes nor Renee Glover will.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 21, 2010

I relish learning what famous persons think of each other, especially contemporaries and those of the same vocation. I know a bit of Charles Dickens, and I thrilled when I first read what he said after reading only a chapter of George Eliot’s ADAM BEDE. I wonder how well Christopher Marlowe knew William Shakespeare; I should know, but I do not. The contrasting personalities and beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams fascinate me.

I wonder about Samuel Johnson and Voltaire and their publishing books within weeks of each other with identical similarities, but they had never met.

In my oral exams, my friend and tormenter that day, the late Professor Bill Nolte asked me to describe the relationship between H. L. Mencken and Ernest Hemingway. Nolte knew that Hemingway was one of my 11 writers, 6 English, 5 American whom I was required to know.

I froze. I went blank. What brain I had left abandoned me. I had never read or heard of any relationship between Mencken and Hemingway. I took a leap with Nolte, a Mencken scholar, who could and would slice me to ribbons; I said I did not think the two men had had any relationship. Nolte’s inimitable smile preceded his comment, “I don’t know, either, Beaty, that there was a relationship.” To this day I do not know if these two great characters, Mencken and Hemingway, knew of or cared about for each other.

I wonder if Richard Nixon curbed his profanity when he spent time with Billy Graham. I would love to have heard the conversation between Ty Cobb and Shoeless Joe Jackson when Cobb bought whiskey from Joe in a South Carolina liquor store. I wonder why Czar Debi Starnes in her deposition reiterated four times that she had never met with A. J. Robinson ALONE. I’m fascinated by the actions of famous people.

Last century I read Karl Barth on Romans. I was privileged to be a student at the time at Columbia Theology Seminary. Of Barth, I understood at best one in five sentences. Prescious Professor Felix Gear reminded us freshmen students that we were “theological tadpoles.” I was at best a pre-tadpole. I did learn from the great Barth that his Christology placed Jesus of Nazareth at the center of the universe. That was my limited understanding. I embraced that comfort then; I embrace that comfort now; I will embrace that peace the day I go home. I had learned that comfort at my parents’ knees, and I relearned that peace in the words of Karl Barth.

Recently, I have read with delight and sadness the biographies, sermons, writings, essays of a man I have cited sparingly in my blogs. I place him along side Dr. King as the epitome of martyrdom in modern times. He, of course, is Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran pastor whom Hitler murdered days before the Fuhrer died.

Eberhard Bethge, Bonhoeffer’s long-time friend gave us the gift of a 1048 page biography. Bethge records the first meeting of these two giants on page 176. I close this portion of my diary with Bethge’s words:

“On 23 July 1931 Barth invited him (Bonhoeffer) to dinner and conversation. At last the two were together. The younger man questioned, argued, and posed more questions, and found to his surprise that “Barth was even better than his books”;

“There is with him an openness, a readiness for any objection which should hit the mark, and along with such concentration and impetuous insistence on the point, whether it is made arrogantly or modestly, dogmatically or uncertainly, and not only when it serves his own theology.”

Like so many of Barth’s visitors, Bonhoeffer noted the striking interest Barth (“so hard to pin down in his books”) showed in his conversation partner. “I have been impressed even more by discussions with him than by his writings and his lectures. For he is really all there. I have never seen anything like it before.”

Note: Before this meering in Barth’s home, Bonhoeffer had attended one of Barth’s seminars. In that gathering the younger man by twenty years spoke out quoting Martin Luther, saying that the curses of the godless sometimes sound better to God’s ears than the hallelujahs of the pious. Delighted, Barth asked who had made this contribution to the discussion, and this was the beginning of their personal acquaintance.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 21, 2010

I make mistakes in my diary, my blog. I wrote in my August 13, 2010, diary entry entitled, “…Be Sure Not To Give At The Office,” that Mark O’Connell’s parting bonus as President of Atlanta United Way was $1,000,000. AJC Reporter Heather Vogell published on December 18, 2007, that Mark O’Connell in addition to the billions he raised for UW raised “a seven-figure retirement perk for himself nearly $1.6 million in cash.”

I was incorrect. I was wrong. I was nearly $600,000 LOW. I apologize to non-profit former United Way President Mark O’Connell. I apologize to the entire United Way TEAM GOLIATH family. I should have known that the sterling, caring organization, Atlanta United Way takes better care of its own than to say goodbye with a measly million. I apologize also to my readers for my mistake. I have an excuse.

You good attorneys at the Outhouse remember you can pledge to the Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless, Inc. through United Way. A one-line pledge will do it. And I thank you in advance. And Mark we would accept a drop of cold water from you. No one will ever know. I won’t tell anyone, not even Ratchet Rob “I’ll turn your water off” Hunter. My readers remember that Ratchet Rob heads the City of Atlanta’s Department of Water Mismanagement.

Incidentally my recent water bill at the house where I stay in the ghetto in Grant Park was $384.54. That was one month’s bill. I can be thankful that the previous one-month bill was only $225.76. Do you think Rob Hunter would gouge little ole me? I do make out my checks to the Department of Water Mismanagement. The City has been digging up the street around the ghetto for the last month replacing sewer lines. I’m happy to pay my share; however, I didn’t want to pay it ALL.

Luke 16.22-24
And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

In a recent blog I asked Jack Hardin to send Notip over to the Pine as it’s pretty warm over there these days, and we are in torments. Perhaps Notip could get really Biblical and dip the tip of his middle finger into a cup of cold water and touch our parched tongues. We are as Chris Allers reports “in torments.”

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 19, 2010

My father’s older brother, Ernest Beaty, taught German and Latin for 25 years at Davidson College. Uncle Ernest told me once how bright were his students back in the old days. He proved his point by reporting the following event.

Having to miss class unexpectedly one morning, he left a note that read: “Professor Beaty’s classes are excused for the day.” My uncle told me that a bright scholar upon reading the note crossed out the C in the word Classes. An even brighter scholar followed by removing the l.

In those days such antics were frowned upon by most unless they had Uncle Ernest’s delightful sense of humor.

James Wilson Beaty,

The City Deposes Its Own

August 15, 2010

Can you imagine living the life of an attorney? If you can imagine such, then think of being an attorney for the City of Atlanta. Imagine being grilled by Atlanta City Council members, most of whom couldn’t find their you know whats with both of their you know whats. Fire drills at City Hall find the huge majority of those clowns wanting and still in the building long after the fire is out. And they ask their poor attorneys questions. I think Debi Starnes refers to them as “Law.” “Law” says this and “Law” rules that and so forth.

Imagine having to defend the antics of Debi Starnes. Imagine having to sit through depositions of Horace Sibley and A. J. Robinson and Richard Orr and having to parrot the words, “Object to form, Object to form.” The first 72 times I heard that expression in Robinson’s deposition, I had no idea what it meant. But when it was stated the 73rd time, I got it.

Former South Carolina Gamecock tight end Steve Riddell, so far is the Troutman Sanders lawyer representing Central Atlanta Progress’s conspirators against the homeless. Baker Donelson Attorney Steve Hall brilliantly twisted A. J. Robinson into tiny little knots. I’ve seen pretzels less tangled, not as knotted. With his back to his attorney, “Mystified” trembled for nearly five hours.

It took me awhile but I determined what triggered Riddell’s, “Object to form.” The lawyer did it whenever he might have thought, “Oh God I wish that bulldog hadn’t asked that question.” The second trigger came whenever the lawyer might have thought, “If Robinson answers that question, ‘He’s going to tell another lie.'”

Now, this week, the City attorneys bring to a deposition one of their own. They have subpoenaed John Bassett whose job is with the State. John Bassett is a nice enough man. W. H. Auden would love to portray, citizen John Bassett. He’s a safe, satisfied, business as usual, status quo bureaucrat. He’s one of Dante’s trimmers in Canto III of THE INFERNO. He works for the state. John Bassett would have been perfectly at home in Charles Dickens’ Office of Circumlocution.

I imagine John Bassett will answer, “Yes,” 100 times to the City’s questions showing what a despicable place is Peachtree Pine and how inadequately it is run and how dirty are the window sills that Chris Allers checks for grime and grit and soot and shit and those nasty ole bugs. Bassett will have to agree with Starnes’ assessment of “ABYSMAL” where live those dirty ole bugs.

Whenever the City rejects funding to a particular agency, a letter goes out from the mayor’s office to DCA, the state’s Department of Community Affairs Then those cutting-edge folks write to the agency dutifully reporting Starnes’ wishes, “no money” this year.

John Bassett is the lucky light at DCA who signed the letter three years in a row notifying the Task Force that their funding for those years was zero. Starnes and Orr and Sibley and the suspect Tri-Jurisdictional Continuum of Care rigged those cuts for all three years.

As sure as the broom flies over the Hurt Building, Bassett will be deposed Friday, August 20, 2010. Please remember that Baker Donelson Attorney Steve Hall will be present to question John Bassett. I wish you could watch Steve Hall work. He ties these charlatans into knots. This metaphor describes perfectly the tangled web this brilliant attorney spins. If fifty feet of rope bound and gaged Hall’s witnesses, their entanglement would not be more secure.

Steve Hall reduced Debi Starnes, Horace Sibley, Richard Orr and A. J. Robinson in that order to weak snuffling. He pinched their feeble tapers.

Bassett’s deposition is set for Friday; that can change. The City’s barristers read this blog. God bless them. They have a harrowing task: just look at the people they have to defend.

Good night, TEAM GOLIATH! MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN. God has numbered your days. You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. You are divided and delivered. Good night, Buttercup!

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 15, 2010

One of my deep throats in the bowels of the Outhouse read to me from a United Way brochure given out today, August 12, 2010. It’s that time of year when the United Way grabs and snatches dollars for next year’s budget. I heard with my ears, these very ears that don’t hear much, that the United Way of Atlanta claims to have done the impossible.

Our hard-hitting United Way of Atlanta claims to have ended homelessness for 50,724 homeless people in Atlanta over the last three years. United Way actually handed out a brochure that makes that claim. And they want you to give them your dollars.

Go Milton Little! The number, 50,000, times ten, totals your salary, $500,000. Go Horace Sibley, former Chairman of the never-happened United Way’s Regional Commission on Homelessness. By Jove, United Way’s own count of homeless people this year stated that there are 12,000 homeless people in greater Atlanta. Go Notip. Go Debi Starnes. Has the new Mayor cleaned up your mess? Where do you work, for whom do you work, who pays you this month, wrought-iron magnolia? Czarina of the tied tubes! Broomster! You said “Tie their tubes” and you said you would say it again. And bless Tennessee we know you will.

Go Chris Allers. Although you are no longer on Edgewood, you are surely everywhere else. Presently as Manny Fialkow’s employee you cast a very long shadow. Go Jack Hardin. Why you hired that little Milty Little, didn’t you? You claim to have ended homelessness for 50,724 people while your very count reports there are 12,000 homeless people in Atlanta. And you doers of all good question the Task Force’s numbers!

I’ve knocked around the homeless population in Atlanta for many, many years. This number published by the United Way of Atlanta is the most blatant that I recall of all your lies. Our ragged little place that I call the Pine, which Debi Starnes in her usual eloquence calls “abysmal,” has begged United Way for just a drop of water. We’ve prayed to affluent Jack Hardin to send Notip to come dip his middle finger in a cup of cold water to touch our tongues. We are in torments.

We are current with the water bill for the 700 homeless African-American men at Peachtree Pine; however, the $6000 due each month comes due oh so soon. Could you spare a dime?

And the opulent United Way with its millions given by innocent, good people, smirks and says we don’t qualify for funding. The 1500 people that our skeleton staff really put into housing don’t qualify for your help. CAP doesn’t want 700 Black men on Peachtree Street:therefore, TEAM GOLIATH player United Way bows and obeys.

Debi Starnes qualifies for $90,000.00 a year that Central Atlanta Progress launders through United Way.

I have said publicly, privately, standing up and sitting down, relaxed and tense, on my knees and on my back that I would never give a dime to United Way because they pay the salaries of Debi Starnes and the likes of Chris Allers (no longer at United Way). Let me say this. If the United Way ended homelessness for 50,724 people by putting them into decent, safe, sanitary housing, and those people that they claimed to have PLACED stayed there over fifteen minutes, I’ll make a donation to United Way. I’ll go one better; I’ll prance down Edgewood in my you know what suit.

I alert people who MUST pledge to United Way that they can direct their dollars to the Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless, Inc. United Way hates whenever this is done, but they have to do it. They would rather shit bricks than give a nickel to the suffering at Peachtree-Pine.

Mind you, putting people in jail or chasing them off to Buckhead or Travelers Aid giving them one-way bus tickets to Augusta doesn’t count for ending homelessness. Are these buffoons serious? They have kicked us. They have strangled us. They have stolen our building. They have toyed with the nun-run merciless things. They have bowed to Baal at the Hurt building. They have baked us in the fleshpots of Egypt. They have coupled hand in glove with botton-feeding developer, Manny Fialkow. They have campaigned for fifteen years to shut us down. BUT, they have not taken our brains. We still can think if only a little. How do thinking people get sucked into giving money to these robbers?

When your company or boss or rich uncle Harry forces you to make your regular, routine, no-thought, no-consideration status quo pledge, think of Milton Little’s half million dollar salary and Mark O’Connell’s million dollar departing bonus. Then take the card and request that your donation be given to help pay the water bill at Peachtree Pine.

Research across America shows United Way as one of the most corrupt, egregious money grabbers we face. They are in the same category as PTL and Evangelist Robert Tilton. (He’s the farting preacher that millions view on YouTube). If, in your heart of hearts, United Way across the board is not the picture of corruption and waste, then give them your money. But study the facts before you give at the office.

See you in court, TEAM GOLIATH. Change gonna come. O yes it will!

Good night, Judy. Good night, Chuck. Good night, Jim Lee Scott. Good night, Deep Six. Good night, Deep Throat. Good night, “Mystified.” Good night, Jack. Goodnight “Great news!” Good night, Peggy Dimby. Good night, Bumbot. Good night, Rufus. Good night, Notip. Good night, buttercup.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 12, 2010

Baker Donelson attorneys representing the Task Force in the current racketeering lawsuit against Central Atlanta Progress and six other conspirators have given me thousands of documents, mostly e-mails, memos and letters. I read them devotionally along with early morning prayers. The following e-mail was sent on Thursday, December 18, 2008, at 10:30 am. The sender is CAP’s Richard “We’re in!” Orr.

Remember that in my blogs I try to give the most blatant law breaking conspirators middle names. A person stopped me downtown recently and said, “I know. I know Dave Wardell’s middle name. Don’t tell me. With great satisfaction my man said, ‘Great news!'” We shook hands and I said you get an A for the day if you can tell me the name of the Georgia State point of light who helped Wardell earn that appellation. My man said correctly that it was the head of Security who rejoiced that the City had shut off the water at the homeless shelter and shared the news with Wardell, who responded, “Great news!”

My man reads my blog regularly and scolds me for not posting every day.

I explained that I had just sent SACRED GRAMMAR to the publisher, and I’m reviving South Carolina mass murderer PEE WEE Gaskins for publication, perhaps by the end of the year. My man noted with a chuckle that I write about murderers in South Carolina and racketeers in Georgia. I said, “No comment.”

The e-mail cited above was sent from CAP’s Senior Project Manager Richard Orr to Atlanta Journal Constitution reporter Rhonda Cook. The names mentioned in this document have “collusion” and “tortious interference” and “unclean hands” and “racketeering” stamped all over them.

The Subject line of this e-mail from Orr to reporter Rhonda Cook reads, “you might contact this person to confirm if the loans are in default (yes they are).”

Orr’s next two sentences read:

“Leavesley (shown below) is apparently the hold out on officially filing the loan default letter with the Task Force, so I assume she’s the one that’s in play, but can’t confirm.”

“There’s a Julie Gould in DC the President of National Lending for Mercy Housing that’s in the mix too, and then Dick Banks is basically everyone’s boss as the President and CEO.”

Then Orr writes:

Contact info is:

Mercy Housing
Ste 1000
1999 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202
(303) 803-3300

The remaining page of Orr’s e-mail contains Diane Leavesley’s picture and a full resume after stating that at the time of this e-mail Ms. Leavesley was the President of Mercy Loan Fund.

Note: I have read literally hundreds of similar documents exposing collusion and corruption in the so-called high places. These pages, all written by conspirators, involve and usually implicate the City of Atlanta, United Way, CAP, ADID, The Chamber, Mercy Housing, Emory Health Care, Cousins Properties and the Atlanta Housing Authority.

If I had only one piece of evidence to present to the court, it very well might be this one. Look at the conspirators that it implicates:
1. CAP is in collusion with Rhonda Cook
2. The AJC is above the law; however, it has served as the newsletter that trashes the Task Force
3. Trashing a nonprofit is a key point in the tortious interference law suit against the City of Atlanta
4. Orr is guiding a reporter to Mercy Housing to urge putting the Task Force into default
5. Orr names “a Julie Gould in DC” in the mix. This is the “Julie” that A. J. Robinson asked Mercy Housing’s Pete Walker if she could help put the Task Force in default.
6. Diane Leavesley was “a holdout.” She visited Peachtree Pine and and suggested that the repayment of the original $900,000 notes be folded into the completed redevlopment plan for housing at Pine.
7. Diane Leavesley is no longer at Mercy Housing; a lateral move, we are told, sent her somewhere else.
8. The Court holds e-mails from Starnes to Rene Glover at Atlanta Housing Authority. Starnes say to Glover that Starnes needs City and AHA support to STOP HOUSING at PEACHTREE PINE.
9. This is one of the dozens of reasons HUD will soon visit City Hall.
10 CAP and ADID are named in the HUD Fair Housing Complaint against the City of Atlanta as well as the RICO. racketeering lawsuit against seven conspirators.
11. Nun-Run Mercy Housing sold the “$900,000 notes to “christian” Ichthus, bottommost “Doesn’t smell very good” Manny Fialkow.

Hold on. There’s more.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 10, 2010

Until Washington HUD on May 6, 2010, filed a Civil Rights Fair Housing Complaint against the City of Atlanta, I was not aware of the term, “Seven Protected Classes.” I am elated to learn that our federal government protects people in these seven categories. Attorneys in the Relman and Dane Law firm in D. C. have proved in Texas, New York and Louisiana that America has a NEW HUD, at least in the area of fair housing. States and cities and counties don’t go to jail. They go to their bank rolls to pay dollars to build housing they have blocked through tortious interference.

For years CAP and Starnes and United Way and Sibley and Mayor Campbell’s city light Michael Dobbins have said give us those men; take women and children and we will support you. That discriminates against BLACK males.

The Seven Protected Classes are: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familiar status and disability.

All seven of these “protected classes” live at Peachtree Pine. Debi Starnes said in her deposition in late 2009 that all 28 men in the transitional program at Peachtree Pine are mentally ill. She added that all homeless people in all transitional programs are mentally ill. She would say something different today because she has a problem with the truth. Perhaps remembering for her is a problem. I’m looking at her five-hour deposition. I have paraphrased her accurately. She said to me with a witness that I called her the “Antichrist.” See my blog entitled, “Don’t Forget Lying Little Debi,” posted July 28 and already read by more people than you would dream.

Horace Sibley said under oath that all 700 men at Peachtree Pine are “chronically homeless.” Peachtree-Pine protects elderly people. Peachtree-Pine protects disabled people. Peachtree-Pine protects Black males. Peachtree-Pine protects men of all faiths. Peachtree-Pine protects disabled people.

I’m holding an e-mail written on September 16, 2008 at 7:22 PM. It is sent to Horace Sibley and Jack Hardin, both attorneys, officers of the Court, men of faith, doers of all good.

The following information is given on Starnes’ email:
Starnes’ subject: Fw: Water Service Termination – Metro Atlanta Task Force
FYI: Confidential for now
Original message: Hunter, Rob
To: Starnes, Debi
Cc: Pridgeon, Gred
Hunter’s e-mail that Starnes forwarded to Horace Sibley and Jack Hardin reads as follows:

Water service has been terminated for the homeless shelter based on a repeated promise and failure to pay. They currently owe $134,000.00. Anita Beaty has called about a dozen times promising to pay $41,000.00 and establish a payment plan. She has failed to deliver the check. There has been no payment since February. Service restoration will only be considered under the terms to all other customers.

The most fascinating fact of this e-mail sent by Starnes is its recipients. What interest would Horace Sibley and Jack Hardin have in knowing that homeless people in hot September could not drink water? Do these honorable men have the pleasure of bathing? Would they not let human beings bath? Do they not want people to use the bathroom? I hauled donations for The Pine from the opulent home of Jack Hardin. I know he is a churchman. He is an affluent but kind man. Both these men take Communion at George Wirth’s First Presbyterian Church.

There has to be a mistake. Could these community leaders be in the mix with Starnes and Hunter and Greg Pridgeon and bottom-feeder Manny Fialkow? Is Jack Hardin a part of that lair, that snake pit? Are they conspirators? I know something is wrong, really wrong. When the federal government comes calling very soon, I will be a character witness for both these worthies. Like Jesus, both of these disciples I’m sure would give the thirsty a drop of water.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 8, 2010