Too Big To Fail

September 14, 2011

The Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless is too big to fail. The Peachtree Pine Community has touched the lives of too many Atlanta citizens for the last twelve years to fail. In that sense the Task Force is just like the banks. It is too big to fail. The Task Force has responded one on one to thousands of Atlantans over the past ten years.

If you are taking CHANTIX and your left eye hangs somewhere below your nose holes, call United Way, 211. Do not call the number they give you; that is Anita Beaty’s cell phone.

James Wilson Beaty
Jeremiah 22.16
September 14, 2011

The poet came upon a surprised and frantic mouse. The poet described the event thus:

“Wee, sleekit, cowrin timorous beastie
O what a panic in thy breastie!

James Wilson Beaty
September 9, 2011
Jeremiah 22.16