The following is a stick of dynamite more explosive than Debi Mae’s broomstick. The brainstrust of TEAM GOLIATH cranked up their computers early September 11, 2008. A. J. “We’re all kind of mystified” Robinson e-mailed Debi Mae Starnes and Horace Sibley asking about the progress being made with the Midtown neighborhood concerning the subject: Smack at Homeless Task Force. Whole Foods Inc. on Ponce de Leon weeks earlier had announced a fundraiser for the Task Force for the Homeless. The Ponce store had decided to donate 5% of one afternoon’s sales. Busy Peggy Denby and Robot Rufus Terrill, vocal haters of homeless people and their supporters, vowed to stop the fundraiser at Whole Foods. With the help of Starnes and CAP’s Jennifer Ball, a neighborhood boycott of Whole Foods was launched. Whole Foods caved. Denby, a second broomstick, was too much. A subpoenaed e-mail from Jennifer Ball to A. J. Robinson told the Chief CAP that the boycott has been lifted; Whole Foods had cancelled the fundraiser for the Peachtree-Pine Shelter. Whoopee! Victory!!

With those events in mind, please read the following 9/11 e-mail. The first comment is sent on September 11, 2008. It is Starnes’ response to A. J. Robinson”s inquiry 5 minutes earlier asking about the Whole Foods situation.

From: Starnes
To: A. J. Robinson and Horace Sibley
Subject: Smack at Homeless Task Force

Starnes: Yes, I started hearing from Midtown neighbors yesterday morning. It was all their own

From: A. J. Robinson
To: Debi Starnes, Horace Sibley
Subject: Smack at Homeless Task Force
Sent: September 11, 2008, 8:15 am

Perhaps there is a way to now pull Whole Foods into your and Horace’s efforts, kind of like
what we tried to do with Chic – fila20….i. e. make them feel like they did the right thing and there
are more legit ways to help?

From: Horace Sibley
To: A. J. Robinson
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:05 a. m.
Subject: Re: Smack at Homeless Task Force
Sibley: Debi, this is a good idea. Could you contact Whole Foods and try to direct the donation to
Gateway? If not what do you suggest?

From: Debi Starnes
To: Horace Sibley and Jack Hardin
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:40 p. m.
Subject: Re: Smack at Homeless Task Force

Starnes: I think Midtown Neighbors should continue their dialogue with Whole Foods and make that
request. I will see them tonight, in a meeting, and make that suggestion.

NOTE BENE: On the morning of September 11, 2008 at 8:15 a. m., A. J. Robinson, President of Central Atlanta Progress, wrote an electronic message to Debi Starnes that read, “i. e. make them feel like they did the right thing and there are more legit ways to help?

Amos 5.10 How you hate honest judges. How you despise people who tell the truth.
Amos 5.24 But let justice roll down llike waters And righteousness like an ever flowing stream.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

The following is a stick of dynamite more explosive than Debi Mae’s broomstick. The brainstrust of TEAM GOLIATH cranked up their computers early September 11, 2008. A. J. “We’re all kind of mystified” Robinson e-mailed Debi Mae Starnes and Horace Sibley asking about the progress being made with the Midtown neighborhood concerning the subject: Smack at Homeless Task Force. Whole Foods Inc. on Ponce de Leon weeks earlier had announced a fundraiser for the Task Force for the Homeless. The Ponce store had decided to donate 5% of one afternoon’s sales. Busy Peggy Denby and Robot Rufus Terrill, vocal haters of homeless people and their supporters, vowed to stop the fundraiser at Whole Foods. With the help of Starnes and CAP’s Jennifer Ball, a neighborhood boycott of Whole Foods was launched. Whole Foods caved. Denby, a second broomstick, was too much. A subpoenaed e-mail from Jennifer Ball to A. J. Robinson told the Chief CAP that the boycott has been lifted; Whole Foods had cancelled the fundraiser for the Peachtree-Pine Shelter. Whoopee! Victory!!

With those events in mind, please read the following 9/11 e-mail. The first comment is sent on September 11, 2008. It is Starnes’ response to A. J. Robinson”s inquiry 5 minutes earlier asking about the Whole Foods situation.

From: Starnes
To: A. J. Robinson and Horace Sibley
Subject: Smack at Homeless Task Force

Starnes: Yes, I started hearing from Midtown neighbors yesterday morning. It was all their own

From: A. J. Robinson
To: Debi Starnes, Horace Sibley
Subject: Smack at Homeless Task Force
Sent: September 11, 2008, 8:15 am

Perhaps there is a way to now pull Whole Foods into your and Horace’s efforts, kind of like
what we tried to do with Chic – fila20….i. e. make them feel like they did the right thing and there
are more legit ways to help?

From: Horace Sibley
To: A. J. Robinson
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:05 a. m.
Subject: Re: Smack at Homeless Task Force
Sibley: Debi, this is a good idea. Could you contact Whole Foods and try to direct the donation to
Gateway? If not what do you suggest?

From: Debi Starnes
To: Horace Sibley and Jack Hardin
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:40 p. m.
Subject: Re: Smack at Homeless Task Force

Starnes: I think Midtown Neighbors should continue their dialogue with Whole Foods and make that
request. I will see them tonight, in a meeting, and make that suggestion.

NOTE BENE: On the morning of September 11, 2008 at 8:15 a. m., A. J. Robinson, President of Central Atlanta Progress, wrote an electronic message to Debi Starnes that read, “i. e. make them feel like they did the right thing and there are more legit ways to help?

Amos 5.10 How you hate honest judges. How you despise people who tell the truth.
Amos 5.24 But let justice roll down llike waters And righteousness like an ever flowing stream.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

The following adaptation was written by a long-time volunteer whose wonderful suburban church has fed, clothed, and ministered to men at the Center at Peachtree-Pine since it opened in 1997. This church is not located on Peachtree Street nor is it in the grasp of Central Atlanta Progress or Horace “The Bully” Sibley. It is however in the hollow of the hand of the Lord God Almighty from everlasting to everlasting.

Psalm 54

1 Save The Task Force and Peachtree Pine, O God, by your name;
Vindicate the Task Force by your might.
2 Hear my prayer, O God;
listen to the words of my mouth.
3 Strangers are attacking The Task Force and Peachtree Pine;
ruthless men seek our lives
men and women without regard for God.
4 Surely God is my help;
the Lord is the one who sustains The Task Force and Peachtree Pine.
5 Let evil recoil on those who slander us;
in your faithfulness destroy them.
6 I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you;
I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good.
7 For he has delivered The Task Force and Peachtree Pine
from all our troubles, and our eyes have looked
in triumph on our foes.

After the City of Atlanta government, Central Atlanta Progress is the strongest conspirator plotting to destroy The Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless, Inc. and the 700 person shelter known as Peachtree-Pine. These entities have worked in tandem for years to rid downtown Atlanta of the homeless population. A lawsuit rages now in federal court alleging that a myriad of conspirators have joined the attack against the Task Force. In my writing I refer to the conspirators as TEAM GOLIATH and the Task Force as DAVID. How far do the tentacles of CAP reach? How far is the East from the West? Their pit has no bottom? Their law-breaking foul play has no end. The width and breadth of their entanglement among agencies runs the gamut: City Hall, City Council, United Way, Mercy Housing, Inc., 3 County governments, Cathedrals and businesses, the list is longer than Debi Mae’s broomstick. The following e-mail reports an exchange between the president of CAP, A. J. Robinson and Mercy Housing, Inc.’s Pete Walker. This is one of many exchanges between these two members of TEAM GOLIATH. Mercy Housing, Inc. is a non-profit organization that holds a $900,000.00 mortgage on The Pine. The building at Peachtree-Pine is set to be sold on the courthouse steps on December 1, 2009. Central Atlanta Progress’s hand wrote this:

From: A. J. Robinson
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 9:14 p.m.
To: Pete Walker
Subject: Re: Re:

Robinson: Pete, any news on ur end? I spoke to Julie last week……said you guys are meeting internally?

Walker: They are well aware of my position and still meeting internally. I’ve been getting my Board Chair
more involved. No tangible results so far except that Julie and Brian seem to be on board.
Robinson: How do I get Julie to put them in default?
Walker: Trying to figure that out myself.
Robinson: How bout I invite Julie down here to meet with community leaders and Mayor?
Walker: Good suggestion, I’ll work on it.
Robinson: OK, let me know…..

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

Homeless Czar Debi Mae Starnes bears false witness. She remembers statements that didn’t occur, but under oath she can’t remember the hotel that pays $10,000 of her $90,000 salary. She has spewed all over Atlanta that the nightly number of residents at Peachtree-Pine furnished by the Task Force is incorrect. Read the following e-mail exchange between Czar Starnes and Carlos Banda, Deputy Chief Atlanta Police, Commander of Criminal Investigations.

From: Starnes, Debi
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:38 AM
To: Banda, Carlos
Re: PP

Starnes: What is the Peachtree Pine count????
Banda: 740 is the usual number 7 days a week. Supposedly the only time they go over that is when it is
real cold.
Starnes: I don’t believe that number….the CI is saying 740 SLEEP there each night???

If the TRUTH doesn’t please the Czar, she simply offers an alternative. She believes neither her Chief not her hired plant.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

The rule that I follow in blogging anything to do with the lawsuit: Atlanta Task Force For the Homeless, Inc. v. City of Atlanta is to write only that which has been filed or made public by the Task Force attorneys. The following is a six line e-mail called EXHIBIT “10”. I am working on a TEAM GOLIATH glossary of the persons I know involved in the long, long effort to remove the Task Force and the Peachtree Pine Shelter. This e-mail was written by Richard “We’re in.” Orr. I give middle names to these worthy leaders of our city. Orr exclaimed to his boss, “We’re in.” when he heard from Rhonda “The whole truth” Cook, AJC reporter that she looked forward to meeting with the CAP brass. The recipients of this e-mail are Paul “Toxic waste dump” Kellman and David “Great news!” Wardell. Kellman was quoted in the AJC years ago that he would rather have a toxic waste dump in downtown than a facility for homeless people with AIDS. Wardell responded to Georgia State Security when he learned from the chief that the water had been turned off at the shelter at Peachtree Pine. The following exhibit contains the three names I have listed. All are employees of Central Atlanta Project. I quote the e-mail as it appears in the court document:

From: Richard Orr
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:41 PM
To: Paul B. Kellman, Dave Wardell
Subject: Hit for the Task Force

Just talked with Debi Starnes. The Tri-Jurisdictional group that controls a fairly good portion of Anita’s funding, just defunded them for 2008.

Note that this document was written in May of 2007. Other documents show that CAP has labored hand in hand with Debi Starnes to illegally “defund” contracted dollars for housing homeless people. Can’t have those people on Peachtree.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

The rule that I follow in blogging anything to do with the lawsuit: Atlanta Task Force For the Homeless, Inc. v. City of Atlanta is to write only that which has been filed or made public by the Task Force attorneys. The following is a six line e-mail called EXHIBIT “10”. I am working on a TEAM GOLIATH glossary of the persons I know involved in the long, long effort to remove the Task Force and the Peachtree Pine Shelter. This e-mail was written by Richard “We’re in.” Orr. I give middle names to these worthy leaders of our city. Orr exclaimed to his boss, “We’re in.” when he heard from Rhonda “The whole truth” Cook, AJC reporter that she looked forward to meeting with the CAP brass. The recipients of this e-mail are Paul “Toxic waste dump” Kellman and David “Great news!” Wardell. Kellman was quoted in the AJC years ago that he would rather have a toxic waste dump in downtown than a facility for homeless people with AIDS. Wardell responded to Georgia State Security when he learned from the chief that the water had been turned off at the shelter at Peachtree Pine. The following exhibit contains the three names I have listed. All are employees of Central Atlanta Project. I quote the e-mail as it appears in the court document:

From: Richard Orr
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:41 PM
To: Paul B. Kellman, Dave Wardell
Subject: Hit for the Task Force

Just talked with Debi Starnes. The Tri-Jurisdictional group that controls a fairly good portion of Anita’s funding, just defunded them for 2008.

Note that this document was written in May of 2007. Other documents show that CAP has labored hand in hand with Debi Starnes to illegally “defund” contracted dollars for housing homeless people. Can’t have those people on Peachtree.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

Does A Worm Turn?

November 15, 2009

The taxpaying public may want to ask questions about attacks on the Task Force for the Homeless:

1. Did the Gateway Shelter really get and spend $50,000,000?

2. How did the City of Atlanta determine where and how to spend Stimulus and Recovery funds?

3.How much was received by the City?

4. What organizations got the funds and in what amounts?

5. How are the expenditures being monitored and evaluated?

In light of forthcoming subpoenas and depositions of Team Goliath players, many supporters of homeless people are asking:

6. Does a worm squirm?

7. Does a spy lie?

8. Does a louse grouse?

9. Does a pawn fawn?

Stay tuned for next installment!

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16

Another Prediction

November 4, 2009

I have stated repeatedly that Mary Norwood would be Atlanta’s next mayor, I was wrong again. She is in a runoff; therefore, she cannot be the next mayor because she cannot win in a runoff. At least I’m wrong consistently.

Please call me, Jim Beaty (404 787-1086) to talk aboiut WATER. It is imperative that the Task Force for the Homeless have on site millions of gallons of WATER. We must have every kind of water from bottled water to water buffalos, the kind used at disaster sites. The Task Force for the Homeless, Inc. is under seige. Ratchet Rob “I’ll turn your water off” Hunter, Director of the City’s Department of Water Mismanagement will turn off the water on December 1. Please call me for any leads to get donations of water. The next bill of $6,100 is due the last day of November. It would be so nice to have drinking water on Christmas. Thank you, (404) 787-1086.