FLASH! United Way Kickoff Campaign – Be Sure NOT To Give At The Office

August 13, 2010

One of my deep throats in the bowels of the Outhouse read to me from a United Way brochure given out today, August 12, 2010. It’s that time of year when the United Way grabs and snatches dollars for next year’s budget. I heard with my ears, these very ears that don’t hear much, that the United Way of Atlanta claims to have done the impossible.

Our hard-hitting United Way of Atlanta claims to have ended homelessness for 50,724 homeless people in Atlanta over the last three years. United Way actually handed out a brochure that makes that claim. And they want you to give them your dollars.

Go Milton Little! The number, 50,000, times ten, totals your salary, $500,000. Go Horace Sibley, former Chairman of the never-happened United Way’s Regional Commission on Homelessness. By Jove, United Way’s own count of homeless people this year stated that there are 12,000 homeless people in greater Atlanta. Go Notip. Go Debi Starnes. Has the new Mayor cleaned up your mess? Where do you work, for whom do you work, who pays you this month, wrought-iron magnolia? Czarina of the tied tubes! Broomster! You said “Tie their tubes” and you said you would say it again. And bless Tennessee we know you will.

Go Chris Allers. Although you are no longer on Edgewood, you are surely everywhere else. Presently as Manny Fialkow’s employee you cast a very long shadow. Go Jack Hardin. Why you hired that little Milty Little, didn’t you? You claim to have ended homelessness for 50,724 people while your very count reports there are 12,000 homeless people in Atlanta. And you doers of all good question the Task Force’s numbers!

I’ve knocked around the homeless population in Atlanta for many, many years. This number published by the United Way of Atlanta is the most blatant that I recall of all your lies. Our ragged little place that I call the Pine, which Debi Starnes in her usual eloquence calls “abysmal,” has begged United Way for just a drop of water. We’ve prayed to affluent Jack Hardin to send Notip to come dip his middle finger in a cup of cold water to touch our tongues. We are in torments.

We are current with the water bill for the 700 homeless African-American men at Peachtree Pine; however, the $6000 due each month comes due oh so soon. Could you spare a dime?

And the opulent United Way with its millions given by innocent, good people, smirks and says we don’t qualify for funding. The 1500 people that our skeleton staff really put into housing don’t qualify for your help. CAP doesn’t want 700 Black men on Peachtree Street:therefore, TEAM GOLIATH player United Way bows and obeys.

Debi Starnes qualifies for $90,000.00 a year that Central Atlanta Progress launders through United Way.

I have said publicly, privately, standing up and sitting down, relaxed and tense, on my knees and on my back that I would never give a dime to United Way because they pay the salaries of Debi Starnes and the likes of Chris Allers (no longer at United Way). Let me say this. If the United Way ended homelessness for 50,724 people by putting them into decent, safe, sanitary housing, and those people that they claimed to have PLACED stayed there over fifteen minutes, I’ll make a donation to United Way. I’ll go one better; I’ll prance down Edgewood in my you know what suit.

I alert people who MUST pledge to United Way that they can direct their dollars to the Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless, Inc. United Way hates whenever this is done, but they have to do it. They would rather shit bricks than give a nickel to the suffering at Peachtree-Pine.

Mind you, putting people in jail or chasing them off to Buckhead or Travelers Aid giving them one-way bus tickets to Augusta doesn’t count for ending homelessness. Are these buffoons serious? They have kicked us. They have strangled us. They have stolen our building. They have toyed with the nun-run merciless things. They have bowed to Baal at the Hurt building. They have baked us in the fleshpots of Egypt. They have coupled hand in glove with botton-feeding developer, Manny Fialkow. They have campaigned for fifteen years to shut us down. BUT, they have not taken our brains. We still can think if only a little. How do thinking people get sucked into giving money to these robbers?

When your company or boss or rich uncle Harry forces you to make your regular, routine, no-thought, no-consideration status quo pledge, think of Milton Little’s half million dollar salary and Mark O’Connell’s million dollar departing bonus. Then take the card and request that your donation be given to help pay the water bill at Peachtree Pine.

Research across America shows United Way as one of the most corrupt, egregious money grabbers we face. They are in the same category as PTL and Evangelist Robert Tilton. (He’s the farting preacher that millions view on YouTube). If, in your heart of hearts, United Way across the board is not the picture of corruption and waste, then give them your money. But study the facts before you give at the office.

See you in court, TEAM GOLIATH. Change gonna come. O yes it will!

Good night, Judy. Good night, Chuck. Good night, Jim Lee Scott. Good night, Deep Six. Good night, Deep Throat. Good night, “Mystified.” Good night, Jack. Goodnight “Great news!” Good night, Peggy Dimby. Good night, Bumbot. Good night, Rufus. Good night, Notip. Good night, buttercup.

James Wilson Beaty, PhD
Jeremiah 22.16
August 12, 2010

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